Metrology is the science of the study of measurement and is derived from the Greek words metro (means measurement) and logy (means study). It involves theoretical and practical aspects of measuring, ensuring accuracy and reliability in various industries such as automobile, manufacturing, medicine, and nanotechnology.
The ability of all measuring instruments to measure accurately and reliably is to be proved, to get meaningful results. For this, the results of measurement are to be compared with higher standards. The instruments, gauges to be used for measurement should be of known accuracy in order that the results obtained are meaningful. In order to identify the errors and rectification of errors, the instruments are compared with masters or standards. This act of comparison is known as calibration. The procedure for calibrating instruments is of two types namely (a) Primary calibration (b) Secondary calibration
Measurement uncertainty is the expression of the statistical dispersion of the values attributed to a measured quantity. All measurements are subject to uncertainty and a measurement result is complete only when it is accompanied by a statement of the associated uncertainty, such as the standard deviation.
Quality assurance is a method of making the software application with less defects and mistakes when it is finally released to the end users. Quality Assurance is defined as an activity that ensures the approaches, techniques, methods and processes designed for the projects are implemented correctly.
Calibration is the process of configuring an instrument to provide a result for a sample within an acceptable range
Tally.ERP 9 is one of the most popular business management software used in India. It is a complete enterprise software for small & medium enterprises.
Time management is the process of consciously planning and controlling time spent on specific tasks to increase how efficient you are. You may be familiar with setting deadlines, writing to-do lists, and giving yourself small rewards for accomplishing certain activities.
Sales marketing is the process of promoting and selling products or services to potential and existing customers. It involves building awareness of your organization and brand, understanding what customers want and how much they will pay, and amplifying the value of your solutions
An attitude is a mental and emotional entity that characterizes a person's disposition, feeling, and position about a person or thing, tendency, or orientation, especially in the mind .It is an expression of a favorable or unfavorable evaluation of a person, place, thing, or event
Personality development involves the molding of an individuals character, attributes, and traits that interact with each other to make a person who they are.
Goal setting is the process of creating a plan to achieve a specific objective. It involves identifying what you want to achieve and then developing a plan to get there. An action plan is a document that outlines the steps you need to take to achieve your goals.
Entrepreneurship is the process of creating or starting a new business venture with the aim of making a profit. It involves identifying a need in the market and developing a product or service to meet that need.
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